The William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné


Object within Schaaf no. 1187

Botanical specimen

Object details

Image size: h 14.9cm x w 16.5cm

Object Type: Paper Negative-Contact

Inscription: in ink, recto, W [might possibly be a letter, M]

Sotheby's, 29 Jun 1984, lot 132

Owner: J. Paul Getty Museum

Object owner number: 84.XP.927.7

Supporting images

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This object is part of Schaaf no. 1187

Botanical specimen

Keywords: Botany

Possibly, rose bay willow herb, rununculace, acpmoti or peony.

This photogenic drawing of a buttercup have traditionally attributed to been attributed to Nicolaas Henneman and William Henry Fox Talbot but has more recently been linked to the early female photographic pioneer, Sarah Anne Bright. Her photographs are discussed in a project blog.

To learn more see Professor Schaaf's talk The Damned Leaf: Musings on History, Hysteria & Historiography.